The first time she pooped in the tub and the world didn't end, (she was one week old) I knew we would survive bath time.
Eight months later, I have a little aqua-baby on my hands. Evie loves to splash and giggle in the tub, and afterward, we play a rousing game of stare into the blow dryer.
As a single mom, I don't always have someone to assume responsibility for the baby while I take a shower. Most days, she sits happily in her Exersaucer while I lather up, but sometimes she just won't let me go or she needs a good scrubbing just as much as I do.
On those days, I put Evie's baby tub in the shower and turn the water on like normal. While I bathe, she plays and waits for her turn. Is it a little awkward to be confined to one square foot of space in the shower? Yes. Do I care? No. Parents opt for co-bedding with their babies all the time. Why not co-shower?
If you intend to try this method of double bathing, let me offer you one sound warning: Do not pick the baby up out of their tub while you're both still showering. A wet baby is slick enough. Add to that a watered-down mommy, and you might as well be trying to pick up an eel. (No. I've never dropped her.)
While we're on the subject of bath time, I'd like to share a Must-Have!

We all know and love the classic Johnson's Baby Wash. I will swear by this stuff. I love the smell and the reliable gentleness. The foaming bottle, however, adds an element of convenience that any mother would adore. It can be pumped with one hand while you hold baby still with the other, and it lathers much faster and smoother than the traditional kind.
Added bonus: Once you run out, just add the classic baby wash to the bottle with some water to dilute it. It will foam up just the same. I'm a huge fan of this idea because roughly four industrial size bottles of soap were gifted to me pre-delivery. At this rate, she'll still be using baby wash in middle school.
So there you have it. Bath time may be a practical necessity, but it's also a great opportunity for mother-baby bonding and awesome soap. Without further adieu, the pictures:
When it's time to dry off, Evie re-familiarizes herself with her feet. She always resists when I start to put a clean diaper on her. She would rather be naked.
Finally, we switch on the blow dryer to take the edge off. She enjoys the warmth and I'm obsessed with how fluffy it makes her hair. Low power and low heat with the cord out of reach, of course.