Sitting in my media ethics class two days ago, I was surprised when a classmate walked in, took a look at me and said, "You're looking especially big and pregnant today!"
Yesterday I took a test in my merchandising class. When I turned it in, the professor said, "You're really showing now. You weren't very big before, but now you are."
Last night, a girl in my dorm was looking over her shoulder as she walked toward me and accidentally flung her hand into me. The look on her face was priceless, as if she had just committed involuntary manslaughter. She looked at her friend, mouth agape, and cried, "She's pregnant! One pregnant girl in the whole building and I hit her!"
She only tagged me in the arm, but that's probably because I completely cover my belly if I sense even the slightest amount of danger. I saw this poor girl several more times throughout the evening, and she asked me if I was OK every time.
Apparently I've gone from "pregnant" to "very pregnant." Here's why:
She's taking over my body! This is big mama's house now.
I love watching my belly grow every week, but I just have one frightening thought: How big am I going to be in another two weeks? Two months?!
I think you are adorable!