Sunday, February 12, 2012

Back in the Saddle

In the last two months, I have mentally noted, "Today, I will blog" so many times that if I added up the time spent making that promise to myself, I could have written at least three posts. So after a two-month break/hiatus/manifestation of my procrastination, I'm happy to say that I'm back to blogging with more fervency than ever. As you may have noticed, I revamped the template this morning, (still not happy with it). I'm going to have to get my tech-savvy 12-year-old brother to help me get the background I really want...

I'm finding it rather disgraceful that my daughter is roughly 40% older than the last time I wrote. Now that my guilt is laid bare, I'm happy to report that she is amazing me more and more every day. She can now:
  • Eat baby food! (I have lots to say about that.)
  • Pull herself up from a sitting position.
  • Not quite crawl, but rather scoot backwards and rotate herself.
  • Sit on her own.
  • Babble emphatically, much the same as I do.

As I type, Evelyn is perched on my lap watching my fingers swiftly peck the keyboard. Every 30 seconds or so, she throws her pacifier on the floor only to stare up at me with a look that says, "You gonna get that?" If I decline her unspoken request, she resorts to tugging at my shirt sleeve and stuffing as much of it as possible into her tiny trap.

Such is my life as a mother to a 7-month-old.

Back in December, I wrote a post about what happens to your hair post-pregnancy. (If you don't remember, it falls out!) You may find it entertaining to know that where I underwent a massive shedding episode last year, my hair has begun to regrow. Now I find myself with about 85% shoulder-length locks and 15% mousy-brown, inch-long peach fuzz that resembles Evie's hairstyle a little too much.

Though we're already halfway through February, I would like to make a new year's resolution here and now to get back to basics with this blog, aka actually writing on it. I started this collection of thoughts and experiences so that down the road, I would have a detailed account of my daughter's early life to share with her.

I'm not about to give up on that.

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