Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bump Watch- Grand Finale

This will be the last picture I put up of my belly. Two reasons: 1. Baby has reached her birth size, so I won't really get any bigger. 2. She could be born any day now. I'm hoping the next picture I put up is one of my newborn daughter. That being said, behold the enormity...

38 1/2 Weeks

I remember early in my pregnancy when I wondered what I would look like with a fully-developed belly full o' baby. I don't know if it's something you can really imagine until you're there. I'm still amazed by how much the human body can stretch and change to accommodate a growing infant.

This is the end, my friends. I would say that I couldn't be happier to have finally reached this point, but honestly, all I want is to ditch the belly and hold my baby.


  1. Aww!! Love the belly! Hope you will keep blogging once she is here :)

  2. I'm in the same boat - waiting... maybe since you posted this on 7/2 and nothing the next day, you did go into labor? I am due 7/7, but have 2 kids who both came early, so I really didn't expect to still be pregnant, it's driving me nuts!

  3. Hi there! I've been reading your blog for a while but just became a follower! My family has been friends with the York's for years! I was at the beach with Rick and Elizabeth this year and heard lots of wonderful things about you!!! :-) I am so happy for you and can't wait for pictures of your sweet little girl to be posted on your blog!!! :-) Congratulations!!!
